Howdy there!

Everyone knows me as Dunetides, but you can call me Dune for short.I draw, write and make music!
A big fan of fantasy/pirate themes! Interested in local cryptid and true/fictional crime.
(Currently building a cryptid hunting arsenal!)I live in the Philippines!

Prices vary through complexity of character!

Reference Sheets (100 - 300 USD)- comes with 2 full-bodies (one for the front, and one for the back.) and a headshot of the character.
- character details (items, outfits, design variations, etc.) goes for an additional 10 USD.
- detailed background may cost additional charges.

Full-bodies (80 - 250 USD)- comes as one fully rendered full body in whichever pose you want.
- props, complicated pose and/or complicated outfit may cost additional charges.
- detailed background may cost additional charges.
- an additional character will be +75% of the initial price.

Half-bodies/Thigh-Ups (50 - 200 USD)- comes as one fully rendered half-body/thigh-up in whichever pose you want. (please note that this will be a close-up view of your character, so there may be some limitations to the chosen pose. but we'll see how i can work with it!)
- props and/or complicated outfit may cost additional charges.
- detailed background may cost additional charges.
- an additional character will be +75% of the initial price.

Scenes (150 - 300 USD)- comes as one fully rendered full-body/halfbody with a detailed background.
- props and/or complicated outfit may cost additional charges.
- an additional character will be +75% of the initial price.

Thank you for your interest in commissioning artwork from me!Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following guidelines and agreements that outline the process, expectations, and rights associated with commissioning artwork from me.馃尩How do you inquire about commissions from me?路 Wait for my announcement on my social media. I take on commissions monthly, or whenever my schedule allows. (But you are very much free to ask if you're curious!)路 You can get to me through my discord or telegram, both of which are listed on my homepage, from there we can discuss commission details.路 An image reference of your character is required, but if they're simple enough, we can get by with just descriptions! (Reference sheets exempt from this rule.)路 Please provide as much detail as possible with your commission, describe it in whichever means possible, I can even help you with it if you wish!路 Deadlines are negotiable! My turnaround time could take up to two weeks or a month, but if you need it to be done at a specific date, we can cut that down. (I might charge a fee if I have to do something in less than a week.)路 After all that, we'll get to the nitty gritty and discuss payment.馃尩T.O.S(Alright, this is the boring part, but I recommend you read it!)By commissioning me in any kind of way, you are agreeing to the terms of service below.馃尩GENERAL TERMS.路 Respectful behavior is expected; rudeness leads to cancellation.路 Please provide clear image references, and if we go through with descriptive references, please relay your character details as clear as you can.路 I retain the right to decline commissions.馃尩PAYMENT路 Full upfront payment via PayPal is required.馃尩PROCESS路 WIP screenshots available on request or when necessary.路 The time taken for your commission to be completed can vary. I strive to have a two week turnaround but other factors may affect this.路 Completion time varies due to factors like health, family, and complexity.路 Delays will be communicated if affecting your commission.馃尩CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONDon't worry, you come into play too!路 WIP stage allows corrections; I allow minor changes post-completion for free!路 Significant changes incur extra charges (outfit, background, etc.).馃尩COPYRIGHT / USAGE POLICYThe commissioner is allowed to:路 Use art for personal purposes.路 Print and self-promote with credit.The commissioner is not allowed to:路 Commercial use or claiming as your own.路 Altering art without consent.路 Associate Blockchains, NFTS and other related things with my work.Violation of these rules will result in retraction of rights.馃尩CANCELING/REFUNDING POLICY路 I have the right to cancel and refund the money for your commission at any time.路 No cancellation or refunds once paid, except if payment has not already been proceeded.